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Unità di misTura (MixTure Unit) is a site specific installation on mimesis as a world reproductive process. In its evolution, mimesis is a practice, sometimes an effort, which implicates the uninterrupted call into question of the being in its presence. The individual is not separated from the rest and it’s rather a fragment, a reflection, a complement. So it is the body, intended as a receptive and changing membrane, which shapes the space with its presence and where the space impress its own traces in a constant flow of expansion and contraction, dilatation and breakage.
Site-specific installation
for MIMESI art show
Feudi di San Marzano - (TA)

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Starting from the body, her own body, Grazia Amendola converses with the machineries of an active wine cellar, through a series of plaster casts realized with gauze and chalk. Pieces of arms, legs, hands, knees, chest and hips overflow a silo and mix with its volumes.
The body expands, grows larger and loses its supposed unity in order to create a new anthropic and fragmentary form.
The casts, intended as signs of the presence and fragility of the human body, generate a flow which modifies the surrounding space and reduces the limits of the mimesis existing between the individual and the context. The need for establishing the sense of the mimetic intention is no longer evident. Perhaps is not even necessary to know if it’s the man who is mimicking the environment or this latter which, by extension, is mimicking the one who created or even just named it.
The work produces the memory and the misure of the body in the space and vice versa. It looks like there’s a broken mirror between the two, a sort of temporary and playful alliance.

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